Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Group meeting today

Group meeting

 Today we did a group discussion, everyone listened to my idea and they thought it was interesting. We bounced around ideas and we all got advice. Everyone's movie ideas sound interesting and I want to see how it'll come out. I personally got advice on how to move the pictures so that they'll fit on my blog post and feedback about my project. They thought the foreign film aspect was really neat. Also got advice on where to find uncopyrighted music very nice. That's what I did today cya on the next one. 

Friday, March 11, 2022


 I have figured out an idea that I will have to storyboard and see if I like it. So far I'm thinking of doing a Drama film, I'll find a date suitable for my friends. We start filming, adjust accordingly, location probably my house. As it has a mahjong table, the opening will be in Chinese. We'll finish filming and start editing the clip to my liking most likely using iMovie. This is where I'm at right now cya on the next one! :)

Film opening

 The long awaited film opening, here is the link: